How to Configure Reservation Section?

Last updated

Reservation Section

You can add a reservation form on the home page using this setting. Please follow the below video tutorial or the following steps to configure Reservation Section

You’ll first need to install Contact Form 7 plugin to add a form. Once you are done follow the below steps.

  • Go to Appearance> Customize> Home Page Settings> Reservation Section
  • Select a page or post to display the title and description of the section. The Title and description of the selected page/post will display as section title and description of the section. If you don’t have a page, you can create a page.
  • Enter the shortcode of the contact form. You can find the shortcode of the contact form at Dashboard> Contact >Contact Forms. If you don’t have a contact form, follow these steps to add a contact form.
  • Enter Label for the phone number in “More Information”.
  • Enable Phone Number the same as in header to display the same number as the header or disable it to add a new number.
  • Upload background image.
  • Click Publish.

reservation section

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